Nourish. Empower. Serve.

RVFB is the primary emergency food resource for Seattle’s most racially, ethnically, and economically diverse neighborhood and home to many people of color, immigrants, and refugees who regularly face systemic obstacles to living wage employment, affordable housing, and food security. It is home to a wide disparity of living standards where multi-million-dollar homes are down the street from Section Eight housing.


Stay up to date with the latest happenings by signing up for food news!

Construction is underway at RVFB, as we build our new community food hub at 9021 Rainier Ave S!

If you’re looking for food support, text “food” to (833) 744-0096 to receive updates about opportunities to shop for groceries at our new mobile markets.

Be a Part of Our Community


Rainier Valley Food Bank News

Together We Can End Hunger

In 2022…



visits were made to the food bank.

Was open for
202 days of service.

1.3 million lbs. of food.

650,000 lbs. of food donations.

nearly 575,000 lbs. of food.